Saturday, November 28, 2009

Nadine & Damien

On a very cold wet and windy day in November we did a very lovely couple's wedding, dispite the weather, Nadine and Damien had a great day, we enjoyed ourselves alot and got some great shots - here's some of them ;-)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Look who we run into!!

We attended a Wedding Fayre Sunday before last. We have a great time and were very busy. I was nice to see some familiar faces and some new ones. One face seem to stand out from the crowd and it was this one.

Yes Its Franc. I have to say I was very impressed, by his talk. He gave some great practical advice as well as some fashion tips. I was very pleased that one piece of advice he gave was to never cut corners with your wedding photography, always get the best photographer you can afford, and if it means cutting out some of the smaller 'like to haves' to get that photographer then do it. You see when your day has come and gone the only thing that will remain for years to come is your wedding album!
